Thursday, January 12, 2023

How a New Website Can Help Your Business

A website is your opportunity to gain worldwide attention from eager customers. Over a quarter of business transactions happen online. Small businesses can see this as a window of opportunity. If you’re considering a new website or taking your site to the next level, we’ll show you how taking action today can lead to significant results in the coming year.

How does a new website help your business? A new website is your first introduction to a broad audience of new customers or clients, your validation of business credibility, and an outlet for smooth transactions that ultimately drive more revenue.

Ready to take the first step in getting your hard work in front of more people in a creative way that brings your brand and personality to life online? Find the answers to some common questions about small business websites below:

  • Why is having a website essential for a small business?
  • What are the benefits of a new website?
  • How do you make a website for a small business?

Why is Having a Website Important for a Small Business?

Small business owners may be curious if a website fits their goals. You could wonder if your operations need to be at a specific scale to justify a website or if it’s worth building one without an offering you’re ready to sell online.

Websites have been critical to growing any business since the e-commerce boom following a long period of at-home shopping during the COVID-19 pandemic. Oberlo found that in 2020, 51% of small business owners increased online client interactions. As more people became accustomed to accessing anything they needed on their phone or laptop, online shoppers increased by 900 million people by 2021. That fueled a new expectation of modern brands to have an online presence.

What Are the Benefits of a New Website?

Websites expand your reach

Gone are the days of measuring business reach by in-person interactions with customers. A website gives even the leanest teams the ability to engage customers worldwide. People are conditioned to search for what they need online and find services and products they would never would otherwise because of that.

According to HubSpot‘s research, websites can see thousands of monthly visitors each month, potentially reaching over 10 million with frequently published updates. Geographic boundaries no longer confine business operations, meaning a small-town business could quickly become a global household name.

Websites create your first impression

The first few seconds visitors spend scrolling your homepage can make a strong impression. With so much exposure to information, you can use your website to stand apart in your business niche. Your small business website immerses potential buyers in your story, purpose, and personality.

Small businesses have a slight advantage in reaching shoppers online with a personal touch. Nerdwallet found that more than 92% of Americans enjoy supporting small businesses. More importantly, 30% are willing to pay more for products and services from a small business versus a significant retailer or chain store.

Websites increase business credibility

The modern consumer cares about transparency and building trust with the organizations they support. A website is a great way to show curious shoppers that you’re a legitimate business.

It helps to establish your domain and present a professional visual identity on your website. Visitors are more likely to trust that a transaction will be safe when they can see your offerings, pricing, and validation like testimonials or credentials, without having to search too hard.

Websites drive revenue

Your small business website is like your online brochure. It can sell for you if you set it up in a way that gives visitors a clear call to action and a path to purchase.

Customers can land on your website and complete a transaction in a few clicks without visiting a physical location. It helps to have a mobile-optimized website to bring this functionality to any consumer, anywhere they want to shop. The majority of today’s website traffic comes from a mobile device or tablet, so supporting those user experiences can avoid the risk of losing a sale.

How Do You Make a Website for a Small Business?

There are online services to support your small business in creating your website. Some small businesses will look for an online website builder that makes it easy to turn around the site quickly without requiring development or design experience. Others will hire support and build a more detailed user experience that fits their needs.

Any new website project will start with the foundational aspects of accessibility, content strategy, search optimization, visuals, and navigation.

How can a creative agency help your business?

Many small businesses find value in hiring a creative agency . Agencies can listen to what you want to achieve with your website and advise a strategy to bring that to life in a unique online brand identity.

Agencies may also support you in important factors like search engine optimization and analytics that attract your target customer to your website.


The experience you offer visitors on your website reflects the experience they’ll expect as customers. A website for your small business can be a clear route to meet customers where they are in 2023 and showcase everything you have to offer them. Start your project today as websites increase their potential to bring new prospects to businesses across all industries.

If you are considering building a new website, give us a call. We offer Free Estimates and would love the chance to speak with you!

The post How a New Website Can Help Your Business appeared first on Michigan Web Designers and SEO Agency.

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